Is Linux Shared Hosting Well Suited for Ecommerce Websites?

Ecommerce websites have changed the way people view the internet and its power. The exceptional facility of sitting at home or any place, ordering the choicest things and goods, and getting it delivered to their doorstep is a revolutionary example of digital progress. However, running an eCommerce website takes a lot of effort, diligence, patience, and a highly supportive web hosting platform. Since there is going to be a huge volume of data in the database of any eCommerce website, it is imperative to require a lot of storage and resources. However, if you research well, Linux Hosting Services from a reliable provider can be a good fit too.

Here are a few reasons why Linux Shared Hosting can be a good fit for eCommerce websites:

    1. It is highly cost-effective
      There are several costs associated with running an eCommerce website. Starting from product procurement, order generation, packaging, delivery, logistics, etc.; the list almost never ends. Hence you would want to invest in a hosting plan that is both economical and robust. Linux Shared Hosting offers you a lot of features, resources, and storage for your website’s data and saves you a lot of money as well. Shared Web Hosting essentially refers to hosting several websites over a common server. However, if your service provider offers a stringent implementation of the fair use policy, you will hardly be bothered by the server neighbours.
    2. It comes with 24×7 expert technical support
      Another big advantage of going for Shared Hosting is that you need not have any technical expertise to get going on it. Under the Shared Web Hosting, the service provider is responsible for taking care of any technical requirements or glitches. While choosing your Shared Hosting service provider, you must ensure that your service provider can give you 24x7x365 customer support to cater to your problems and queries.

  • It is a maintenance-free option
    While your main focus will be growing and expanding your business, your hosting may also need some attention with time. With Linux Shared Hosting, you need not worry about the regular updates and patches, as these will be taken care of by the hosting service provider. 

  1. It comes with an easy-to-use cPanel
    Linux Shared Hosting comes with an extremely intuitive cPanel that allows you to browse between different applications and products smoothly and easily. Linux Hosting service allows you to seamlessly slide between different fronts and easily manage your website over Shared Hosting.
  2. It is scalable
    A lot of companies offering web hosting in India allow you to seamlessly upgrade your Shared Web Hosting plans. This feature is extremely useful for growing businesses who regularly require additional resources and storage space. Also, depending upon the size of the traffic you are dealing with and the number of products over your website, you can also choose to upgrade to a Dedicated Hosting or a VPS Hosting service later on.

A Shared Web Hosting plan chosen with due diligence and right requirements in mind can prove to be a great fit for any budding eCommerce website. Since the initial traffic is low and so are the hosting requirements, Shared Web Hosting can serve as a robust platform to host your eCommerce business, which later on can be scaled-up and moved to a more personalized hosting type.