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Lengthy before physicists stumbled onto invisible ‘dark matter and energy’, metaphysicists had been experimenting and observing them using the sensory methods of their larger energy our bodies. I am not here to dispute the arguments that you have but put forth, slightly, I am here to state that your refutation is completely irelevant from any scientific stand point as you fail to handle the true science of the matter (his equations in his scientific papers).

Some cultures and faith today see it as a holy magnetic impact by means of centering and meditation to attach consciousness to the universe utilizing geometric numbers referred to as sacred geometry however the fact is that it’s a multilayer know-how we still don’t perceive at present however with some decoding we are getting nearer to cracking the matrix code Mr. Anderson however we need your daily

In any science there are literally thousands of individuals who would dearly love to make their title by overturning the majority understanding. This research is based totally from Constructivist Concept of Studying of Dewey and Vigotsy. Leisure by means of cinema is one of the most remarkable invention of science in our each day life.

I hope you …