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It is a science venture to test if fluoride actually protects your tooth from harsh drinks we eat and drink each day. The organization of the subjects in the Preparation of the Strategic Intervention Materials (SIM) followed the sequence of the topics found within the Science IV (Physics) textbook overlaying the Unit II – Vitality within the Surroundings and close to the record of objectives and matters in the Philippine Secondary Schools Studying Competencies (PSSLC).

1: The use of science in day by day life has helped us a superb deal in fixing problems, dealing with the upkeep of health, production and preservation of meals, construction of homes and offering communication and trans-portational (associated to move) daily

This isn’t to downplay the value of the scientific technique and the present understanding of physics which has allowed us to build many amazing things and to provide much unbelievable know-how. The time finally arrived when her physique gave out; nonetheless, her thoughts and spirit had spent her closing days living life by selecting to develop.

Building on the elemental perception “ALL STUDENTS ARE GIFTED”, the goal is to lift ALL students’ EDUCATIONAL STUDYING SKILLS through the use of evidence-based mostly “Socratic” methods, …